Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What Are You Reading Wednesday?

It's time for another edition of What Are You Reading Wednesdays!!! Please feel free to play along. All you have to do it tell me:

What are you reading now?
What did you just finish reading?
What are you going to read next?

What Am I Reading Now?

I am reading Beltane by Erin O'Riordin.

Twin sisters Allie and Zen have always shared everything: including an unconventional upbringing at Pagan Spirits Farms. They even fall in love at the same time. Pagan priestess Allie thinks she’s met the man of her dreams in her buttoned-down lawyer fiancé, Paul Phillip. But is he everything he seems? Zen, a witch gifted with the sixth sense, falls for Orlando. But there’s a catch: Orlando is married to someone else. As the celebration of Beltane nears, the sisters seem destined to be unlucky in love. But the Goddess moves in mysterious ways, and May Day may turn out to be magic for them after all.

Beltane is a review book for me, so watch out for a review coming soon (probably next week). This is the first book in a 12 book series.

What Did I Just Finish Reading?

I just finished (for the 100th time) The Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop. This is a favorite series and a favorite author for me. I have these in an omnibus edition, so I took that with me to Vegas to cut down on the number of books I needed to carry. Also, I wanted something I could relax and enjoy while I was on my trip, knowing I wouldn't have a lot of time to read. I read every night before bed (at the very least), so I needed to take something I loved with me so if I fell asleep while reading it I wouldn't miss anything.

Anne Bishop’s critically-acclaimed Black Jewels Trilogy is the saga of a young but still-innocent Queen more powerful than even the High Lord of Hell—and the three sworn enemies determined to win her and gain a prize that could be terrible beyond imagining...

What Am I Going To Read Next?

Good question. I have several options right now, and I may just have to wait until I finish what I'm currently reading to see what mood I'm in. I am a mystery, an Amish novel, a romance, and a YA book to choose from. Maybe you can help me? Tell me which one I should read next. whichever gets the most votes will be what I read next.

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